Hi Family,

We’re sharing with deep disappointment that The Family Reunion Music Festival will have to be postponed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. While we are optimistic that this virus will come and go, we can not confidently say that our late July gathering will be safe and healthy for our family, or that we can sell enough tickets in this time of uncertainty to make it work.

Normally we’d just go for it, but Grandma always says, “better safe than sorry.” We know better than to take grandma’s advice for granted. Also, while we know the family was going to come together and make this event a huge success, we also want to support this time when everyone is laying low and taking care of themselves.

We are so grateful to everyone who shared their excitement for The Reunion. From the artists, to the musicians to the participants, we have such an incredible new community brewing that can only create magic. We have every intention of keeping this momentum going and holding The Family Reunion Music Festival at a later date.

We hope to be celebrating with you soon.

All the best,

Uncle Brady and Cousin Ben

Asset 5@2x

On a private coastal farm just south of San Francisco

Music ⋅ Camping ⋅ Yoga ⋅ Beach ⋅ Food ⋅ Playshops ⋅ Ocean ⋅ Farming

Music ⋅ Camping ⋅ Yoga ⋅ Beach ⋅ Food ⋅ Playshops ⋅ Ocean ⋅ Farming

The Lineup

Marty O'Reilly and the Old Soul Orchestra
Afrolicious ⋅ Rainbow Girls ⋅ Josiah Johnson ⋅ Whiskerman ⋅ Speakease ⋅ Caitlin Jemma ⋅ King Dream ⋅ The Feelings Parade ⋅ Papa Bear ⋅ Late for the Train ⋅ Maya Elise ⋅ Cassandra Lewis ⋅ Trevor Bahnson ⋅ Brett Hunter ⋅ Maz Karandish

Marty O'Reilly and the Old Soul Orchestra
Afrolicious ⋅ Rainbow Girls ⋅ Josiah Johnson ⋅ Whiskerman ⋅ Speakease ⋅ Caitlin Jemma ⋅ King Dream ⋅ The Feelings Parade ⋅ Papa Bear ⋅ Late for the Train ⋅ Maya Elise ⋅ Cassandra Lewis ⋅ Trevor Bahnson ⋅ Brett Hunter ⋅ Maz Karandish


The Location

The Family Reunion Festival is set on a coastal private farm 1.5 hours south of San Francisco. When we say coastal, we really mean it. Panoramic views of the ocean, a 5 minute walk to the beach, and epic sunsets.

Because this is is a private event on private land, we won't tell you where it is until after you purchase a ticket.
